Nimbus Defence School




Nationality - Indian

Every cadet is required to submit the Adhar Card issued by the government to confirm his candidature.


1. NDA after 10th15 – 16.5 Yrs
2. JEE/NEET after 10th15 – 16.5 Yrs
3. CLAT/IPM after 10th15 – 16.5 Yrs
4. Foundation Course for 9th & 10th13 – 14 Yrs
5. Foundation Course for 8th11 – 13 Yrs
6. RIMC Preparation with 6th & 7th10 – 11 Yrs
7. Sainik School & RMS Preparation with 4th & 5th08 – 10 Yrs

Every cadet is required to submit the Adhar Card issued by the government to confirm his candidature.

Educational Qualifications

NDA after 10th

JEE/NEET after 10th

CLAT/IPM after 10th

Foundation Course for 9th & 10th

Foundation Course for 8th

RIMC Preparation with 6th & 7th

Sainik School & RMS Preparation with 4th & 5th


The cadet must be medically fit, to join the defence academies.

1. Vision

Uncorrected Vision: 6/6 in one eye and 6/9 in the other eye.Corrected Vision: 6/6 in both eyes.
Color Vision: CP-III standard (ability to distinguish between red and green colours).No history of night blindness or significant eye diseases.

2. Hearing

Normal hearing in both ears without any significant loss or impairment.Ability to hear a forced whisper from a distance of 6 meters.

3. Respiratory System

Normal lung function without any significant respiratory problems or asthma.Clear chest X-ray.

4. Cardiovascular System

Normal blood pressure, pulse rate, and electrocardiogram (ECG) readings.No history of heart diseases or significant cardiovascular problems.

5. Dental Health

Sound dental condition with a minimum of 14 dental points.

6. General Health

Free from any chronic diseases like diabetes, hypertension, or thyroid dysfunction.No history of mental disorders or significant psychological issues.No history of major surgeries or debilitating medical conditions.

7. Other Considerations:

Minimum chest expansion of 5 cm after full inspiration.Tattoos: Tattoos are generally not permitted on visible body parts.

Candidates must undergo a thorough medical examination by a Medical Board to assess their overall medical fitness.


Admission to NIMBUS DEFENCE SCHOOL is through Written Test and Interview for all courses after Class 8th. Both will be conducted in English only.
The written test will be conducted every year at various centres (Chandigarh, Panchkula, Sunder Nagar, Guwahati, Chennai). Exact dates and place will be intimated on the website. The Results will be uploaded on the website of the Institute.


For NDA after 10th / School Integrated Program
  • 1. Basic Mathematics (40 Qns)
  • 2. General English (20 Qns)
  • 3. General Knowledge & Current Affairs (20 Qns)
  • 4. Reasoning Aptitude (20 Qns)

For JEE/NEET after 10th

  • 1. Basic Mathematics (25 Qns)
  • 2. General English (15 Qns)
  • 3. General Science (20 Qns)
  • 4. Reasoning Aptitude (15 Qns)

For Foundation Course for 9th & 10th

  • 1. Basic Mathematics (15 Qns)
  • 2. General English (15 Qns)
  • 3. General Knowledge (15 Qns)
  • 4. Reasoning Aptitude (15 Qns)



The Director, Nimbus Defence School has the authority to rusticate any cadet and withdraw his name from the roll on any of the following grounds:


Advertisement inviting applications from candidates will be published in all leading newspapers in the month of November.
Candidates have to submit Application Form Online only. Click on the tab “Registration” on the Home Page of our website and follow the instructions.